Student Surgical Opportunities II
Posted by admin on Sep 15, 2010 in Featured, Portfolio | 0 comments
This course is designed to be a continuation of Student Surgical Opportunities I and consists of six hours of online lectures/exam that cover inhalant anesthesia, more advanced knots and suture patterns, sterilization of the female cat, special sterilization cases, emergency procedures in the shelter environment and surgical instruments and pack preparation. Eighteen hours of on-site work at a partner shelter will be devoted to learning to spay and participation in peri-operative activities. Spay participation is designed to incrementally build surgical skills and confidence through the process of students scrubbing into a cat spay and performing one portion of the spay surgery. This permits students to achieve competency with the spay procedure over the course of multiple surgeries, eventually allowing a student to seek “spay certification” (certification that the student can perform an entire cat spay without direct supervision, required for Student Surgical Opportunities III). This course can be taken any time, including the summer, after passing VSUR601 Surgical Principles (offered as part of the core curriculum in the first quarter of second year), passing Shelter Surgical Opportunities I and achieving castration certification. Grading is pass/fail.
Credits: 1
Course Organizer: Dr. Brittany Watson
Schedule: 6 lecture hours – 18 lab hours
Prerequisites: VSUR601 Surgical Principles, Shelter Surgical Opportunities I, Castration Certification